Summarizing is condensing information.
Summarize when:
Adams, Cindy H. Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement From Classroom Instruction That Works by R. Marzano, D. Pickering, J. Pollock. N.p.: Created by The School District of Lee County, CSDC, n.d. PPT.
When you paraphrase properly, you are reworking the author’s ideas, words, phrases, and sentence structure and incorporating it with your own style and voice.
Paraphrasing is:
Three Paraphrasing Techniques
When you paraphrase properly you are:
Paraphrasing is NOT taking a block of text and changing only a few key words (even if you use parenthetical references and include it in a works cited).
Remember, don’t use another person’s words, ideas, or catchy phrases without citing them.
Your paper should not be quote heavy! Only about ten percent of your paper should be comprised of quotations.
Use quotations when: