How many library materials may I check out at any one time?
There is no limit on the amount of library materials that may be borrowed.
How long may Iibrary materials be borrowed?
Library materials may be borrowed for three weeks and renewed as long as no one else is waiting for the item. Equipment may be borrowed for one week. Books that are on reserve may be borrowed for overnight use only. They may be borrowed after school and must be returned before first period the next school day.
What if I need a book that isn't in McCulloch Library?
Check with a member of the library staff to see if we can find the book at another local library or order it for you.
Can I eat/drink/have snacks in the library?
Only drinks are allowed in the library.
If I bring a book/AV equipment back late, is there a fine?
MICDS Libraries do not charge late fees.
I lost a library item! What do I do?
You are responsible for any items checked out in your name, and the library will need to be reimbursed for lost items. Please bring a check to the library made out to MICDS for lost materials.
What will happen if I don't return or reimburse the library for lost materials?
If at the end of the school year, you still have outstanding materials on your account, your family will be billed for those lost items.
I paid for a lost library book, but now I found it. Will you reimburse me?
Yes, as long as it is in the same school year.
I need to do a project. Do you have supplies at the library?
Yes. We have assorted colored papers and pencils, markers, scissors, tape, staplers, rulers, a three-hole punch, glue sticks, and paper clips for you to use. Please return them to the supply station when you are finished.