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MICDS McCulloch Library: Sora

Currently Circulating on Sora

Getting Started with Sora

With our subscription to Sora, you can read free ebooks and audiobooks!

Step 1

Install the Sora app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store on your phone, or go to this link on your laptop. If you are asked for a school code, use this: mislcdsmo

Step 2

Sign in to Sora using your school Gmail credentials.

Step 3

Browse our collections, search for books, check out books, and put them on hold. 

Step 4

Go to your Shelf to see the books you have checked out. From there, you can:

  • Select Open book or Open audiobook to read or listen to the book.
  • Select Options to renew or return the book, see your notes and highlights, send to a Kindle, and more.
  • Add the public library to expand the books you have access to.

Current Loans on Sora

A Video Introduction to Sora

Current Holds on Sora