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Imperialism: Finding Music

What's the Big Deal?

If you choose not to create your own music or sounds, you should look for music that musicians WANT to share--freely, without their permission. When using music or sounds from the sites below, double-check to make sure that the owners of the music are willing to share them freely--some may have minor restrictions. Note: you still need to cite where you find music and sound effects!!

Citing Music or Sound

Last Name, First Name. "Name of Song." Website. Date Published. URL. Date Accessed. 


Abbate, Salvatore. "Rainy Day." Jamendo, 5 Oct. 2010, Accessed 11 Dec. 2018.

Copyright-Friendly Music

Royalty-Free Music Available in the Library

We have a set of 11 royalty-free CDs available for check-out in McCulloch Library.  Each CD contains themed music appropriate for media projects, including Creation, Drums & Bass, Chill Out, Cheeze, Hip Hop, House, Funky Soul Jam, Classical Hits, Sabor Latino, Drones, Heavy Metal, and Promos.  Search the catalog for "Extreme Music Library" or ask the librarians where to find them.