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MLA Style Guide

Webpage from a Website

Author Last Name, First Name. “Title of Webpage.” Title of Website, Day Month Year Published, URL. Accessed Day

Month Year.


"Women and Girls." Refugees International, 2015, Accessed 14 June 2017.

Entire Website

Author Last Name, First Name. Name of Website.  Day Month Year Updated, URL. Accessed Day Month Year.


U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants. 2017, Accessed 2 Aug. 2017.

Video from a Website (like YouTube)

"Title of Video." Title of Website, uploaded by First Name Last Name, Day Month Year Published, URL. Accessed Day

Month Year.


"The European Refugee Crisis and Syria Explained." YouTube, uploaded by Kurzgesagt, 17 Sept. 2015,

watch?v=RvOnXh3NN9w. Accessed 2 Aug. 2017.

Article from a News Website

Note: you would cite an online news article in the same way you cite a webpage above.

Author Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of News Outlet, Day Month Year Published, URL. Accessed Day Month Year.


"A Woman’s World for South Sudanese Refugees." BBC News, 13 June 2017,

Accessed 12 July 2017.

Online Research Report

Last Name, First Name. Title of Research Report. Day Month Year Published. Title of Organization, URL. Accessed Day Month Year.


Thomas, Alice. Two Steps Back: Haiti Still Reeling from Hurricane Matthew. Apr. 2017. Refugees International,

/static/506c8ea1e4b01d94 50dd53f5/t/58e56896414fb5affd68e857/1491429534724/2017.4.6+Haiti.pdf. Accessed 14 June 2017.